ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 10

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 10

When last we left, Ellie was rushing down the halls like the heroine in a gothic horror, haunted and hunted by the ghost (or should we say phantom) that wants her. For reasons unbeknownst to them, anyone she passes breaks out into a chorus: He’s here – the...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 9

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 9

The realization that her mind had in fact been altered somehow broke Ellie of her spell, at least for the moment. She calmed down enough to apologize to Enigo and to lay quietly. She refused a sedative, saying she needed to know what was going on, and with the Enigo’s...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 8

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 8

One of the great things about having talented friends is that they can make your characters sound smarter than I am. Many thanks to Karen Ullo for helping me with Enigo. Ellie nodded and smiled at Enigo as she entered the lazivator and asked it to take her to the...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 9

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 4

If I had time to do everything, I’d take art lessons, just so I could draw these for you. I hope Chris does not mind getting shipped. Today’s blog opens with Ellie and Raoul walking arm in arm toward the shuttle bay. They are the only two in the hall. The music...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 3

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 3

Captain’s Log, Intergalactic Date 676939.54     Union Lieutenant Donna Perez and her team have set up my ready room with one of their anti-song fields. It’s a great relief not to sing my Captain’s Logs any longer. I’ve also made it available to any crewman...