ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 7

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 7

How do you feel about earworms? This one had me singing for weeks. Chief of Security Log, Intergalactic Date 676940.24 What do you know? My music major is finally paying off. All this time I figured it was only good for boosting my g.p.a. By the Captain’s orders, I...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 5

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 5

One of my fans asked that Janbot make another appearance. I’m not sure this is what he had in mind… The biggest difference between the mess hall during mid-shift* was the lack of main characters. After all, they had to sleep sometime. They usually only...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 2

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 2

When last we met, the ship was in musical chaos thanks to a Cybersong virus, and a team of programmers from the Union had landed to help rid the Impulsive of this dangerous annoyance. Ellie has been assigned to be the liaison and had discovered that her former love...