by Karina | Feb 19, 2021 | New Books, ST:HMB
If you enjoyed this story, then get it as a novella. If you haven’t been following Ellie’s adventure in time or if Google led you here, then read on about this new Space Traipse novella. Space Traipse strikes again with this parody of ST: TAS “Yesteryear.”...
by Karina | Oct 7, 2020 | ST:HMB
This episode is a little different. First, we’re going back in time, in more than way than one. This takes place in Ellie’s first year on the Impulsive. I’m also going to forego with the images. This one is a play off of ST: The Animated Series...
by Karina | Sep 9, 2020 | ST:HMB, Uncategorized
Ellie and Todd walked down the corridor. Since it was empty, and she wasn’t in uniform, he reached out to take her hand. She squeezed it, smiling. It made his heart skip a little, and yet… “The captain seemed really concerned,” he said. Her smile slipped just a...
by Karina | May 27, 2020 | ST:HMB
Security Officer’s Log, Intergalactic Date 676955.61 The software cleanup and assessment of vulnerabilities on the Impulsive continues. Ensign Sisco is doing an excellent job managing the operation. It’s about time we got him promoted before the Union Fleet offers...
by Karina | Jun 26, 2019 | ST:HMB
In which the author caters to the romantics among her readership. That night, Enigo snuck into Loreli’s room using the Jefferies tubes, a time-honored tradition on The Hood. After he squeezed his way out of her vent and had brushed himself off, she made sure to trip...