Karina Fabian

Available to Speak on Life, Writing, and Faith (or any combination thereof)

Karina Fabian loves to speak about writing, faith, and geekery, and often does it with humor as well as heart. With over 20 years’ experience speaking to audiences from a handful of students to hundreds of listeners–online and in-person, she’s known for being informative and entertaining. Her talks leave people feeling positive and uplifted, while students taking her classes come away encouraged.

Topics Karina Speaks on:

  • Fiction writing: plot, characterization, worldbuilding, humor
  • Life skills: motivation, time management, what success means
  • Living one’s Catholic faith
  • The effect of science fiction on science


Upcoming Classes

Persevere in Your Writing (November 18)

Writers talk about writer’s block, as if it were some kind of outside barrier that gets in the way of your writing. However, writer’s “block” is really more of a dam—a barrier created in your mind that you can tear down. We’ll talk about the different obstacles that prevent us from preserving in our writing and about what we can do to overcome them.

Sign up to Persevere!

Goal Setting (December 30)

What better way to ring in the new year than deciding your goals for 2025? We’ll look at goal setting: how to make achievable goals, how to break them into steps, and how to manage your time so that you can achieve those goals. Come prepared to plan your year!

Sign up for Goal Creation

Upcoming Speaking or Teaching Event

ad for Karina Fabian speaking at The Catholic Writers Conference Online<br />
{Jan 31- Feb 2, 2025}

Want to keep up on all my classes? Join my newsletter.

I offer monthly classes on writing and publishing, but don’t always post here. Instead, sign up for my newsletter to get updates on classes. In addition, you can read the Ellie & Todd stories from Space Traipse: Hold My Beer as well as unpublished or no-longer available stories about Vern, the dragon detective.

Subscribers also get a free ebook!

Past Events

promo image for Karina Fabian speaking in Jacksonville FL Dec 2024
Flyer for Karina Fabian's appearance at LegendHaven 2024
Karina Fabian speaking at the Catholic Writers Conference Live 2024
Karina Fabian speaking at Gratia Plena on Finding God in everyday life
Promo image from CWCO2024

What Folks Say About Karina Fabian,

Speaker and Instructor

Clear Communicator

Karina is intelligent, articulate, and personable. She has the ability to communicate clearly and give practical information. I have enjoyed and benefitted from a class and webinar with her.

–Belinda Terro Mooney, author, Catholic coach, and speaker

How Writers Can Use AI

I knew very little about AI before Karina’s presentation, so I was curious what she’d have to say. She covered the common concerns thouroughly, and gave some suggestions I never would have thought of about how to ethically use AI as a writer.

–S.R. Crickard

Exudes Enthusiasm

Karina exudes enthusiasm and always makes time to help her fellow writers. She is immensely capable at whatever she does. I have participated in several events run by Karina, both online and in person, and have found them to be helpful in developing my skills as a professional writer.  

–Lisa Livezey – Guideposts devotional writer, author, and Heart of the Father Ministries executive team member 

5 Steps to a Clean Manuscript (online course)

This course was an hour well spent. Looking forward to your future offerings!

–Ellen Kolb

Practical Information I Can Use

I have attended several of Karina’s online courses. She’s always well prepared and engages the people who are in her class. I’ve always been impressed by the depth of her knowledge, and I’ve always come away with practical and useful information that I can apply to my own writing.

–Bruce Puchek

Persevere class

I appreciated this entire presentation. So many great nuggets, ideas, and encouragement.

–Jeannine Szumigala

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