ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 21

Breaking up is hard to do, and when JR won’t let go, he puts the USS Lone Star into Alamo mode. Can the Impulsive save both ships and crews and escape before the Paleos make good on their threat? The security guards, who had allowed the Seips to enter the bridge...

ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 20

These are the continuing adventures of the HMB Impulsive. Its mission: to humans can adapt to the wackiest of situations.  In this week’s installment of Lone Star… Captain Tiberius says one of the author’s favorite lines. “Well, by Kreptar’s Dimple, man, read it...

ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 6

Missed an installment? Find the links here. In the meantime, let’s head back tot he planet and Lt. LaFuentes.   The Captain had left LaFuentes with a difficult situation. He had six men to keep over 200 combatants at bay. That, itself, was not the problem....

Pandarus’s Valentine’s Day Liking

This is what happens when everything happens on a Wednesday. I’ve had a tradition of writing a short news story from Los Lagos, from my Vernverse, which ourlines the havoc caused by a Cupid’s arrow.  We Interrupt Your Regularly Schedule Space Traipse for...

ST: HMB, Episode 4: Day in the Life, Part 7

Missed an installment? Find the links here. We’re going multimedia for this episode! Enjoy. Janbot zipped into the XO’s quarters. Like the teleporter room, the lights had been dimmed, but there were no candles. Rather, a wall screen illuminated the room with the...

ST: HMB, Episode 4: Day in the Life, Part 1

In the life of every SF series, there comes a time when it has a “filler episode.” You know the type: cute, personality driven, day-in-the-life of some minor character that is more about showing the main characters in a casual plotline that probably does not involve...