by Karina | Aug 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
After taking a long shower and applying some hair gel herself, Ellie was ready to share her findings with the group, but neither Loreli nor Enigo answered their comms. It is late, she thought, but they were on a deadline, so she went to Loreli’s quarters. She rang...
by Karina | Jul 17, 2019 | ST:HMB, Uncategorized
For those that read “The No-Brainer” (and I thank you for doing so!), you’ll notice that I changed “Planet Amazon” to “Filedise.” I really liked the idea of Amazon becoming so big and popular that it needed its own planet, but...
by Karina | Nov 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
I could go for help. I couldn’t transform like others could–never tried, it just weirds me out too much–but with my vampire strength, I could pull her car out, drive to the nearest town–it’s what? 20 miles or so away? I could find a phone, call it...
by Karina | Nov 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
All alone, so young, her blood so fresh— I was getting dizzy, kind of drunk with shock and desire. It wasn’t like the kind of desire you surmise from those Dracula movies. It was more like waving a steak at a wild animal. You know, more feral. Feral. That was the...
by Karina | Oct 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Since it’s Halloween, I thought I’d post one of my short stories, “Accidental Undeath.” It’s not humor, but it is fun, and it was written many years ago. Enjoy. “Oh, God, please, please don’t die!” I held her broken body in my arms and...
by Karina | Sep 19, 2018 | ST:HMB, Uncategorized
They’ve done it again! the HMB Impulsive saved the planet, saved the Lone Star, Saved the Impartial Brilliance, and saved themselves! Beers and cheers! But what about J.R.? the megalomaniac cousin who now has psychic powers? Read on…. Captain’s Log,...