by Karina | Aug 1, 2018 | Current Events
I’m on an away mission this week to the Catholic Writers Conference- Live in Lancaster. Space Traipse will resume next week assuming I do not suffer death that allows the Captain to have a dramatic case of Guilt. But if that has to happen, it can happen *after*...
by Karina | Jul 14, 2018 | Current Events, New Books
Happy Saturday! As most of you know, I’m not just a parody writer. I also write serious SFF and am a founder of the Catholic Writers Guild. Some wonderful writers I’m proud to call friends are featured in this YA anthology, so I am taking part in their...
by Karina | Jan 24, 2018 | Coming Soon, Current Events, New Books
I’m still writing the next Space Traipse episode, but I have a lot of stuff taking my time, writing wise. Here’s a sneak peak: This is the year I launch full-force into self-publishing. I’ve loved my small press publishers, but I find I want to have...
by Karina | Aug 24, 2017 | Book Tour Schedule, Current Events
I’m participating in the book lover’s blog hop tour. Several of us got together to answer questions about our reading and writing habits. Today’s my day and here’s our question: Do your family/friends support your reading habit? Jo Linsdell...
by Karina | Mar 8, 2017 | Coming Soon, Current Events
I’m not a blogger. I have tried over the years and I really don’t like the pressure of writing several times a week for no pay and little feedback. Even more than that, I don’t want the pressure of having to write something noteworthy or important, and I honestly feel...
by Karina | Jan 25, 2017 | Current Events
The Catholic Writers’ Guild will hold its annual online conference for writers Feb 17-19, 2017. This faith-focused authors conference offers presentations covering all aspects of writing from the faith aspects of your calling as a writer to publishing and marketing...