ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 6

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 6

I hope all of you are enjoying your copies of Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 2. Remember – reviews are the love language of authors! (If you read Season 1, please post a review on it, too. It’s never too late!)  But you are here for the musical...
ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 2

ST:HMB Phantom of the Cybersphere, Part 2

When last we met, the ship was in musical chaos thanks to a Cybersong virus, and a team of programmers from the Union had landed to help rid the Impulsive of this dangerous annoyance. Ellie has been assigned to be the liaison and had discovered that her former love...