ST:HMB Episode 9, Love is Many Stars, Pt 24

ST:HMB Episode 9, Love is Many Stars, Pt 24

The next day… The reception area for the airlock was filled with people saying, “Goodbye.” Gel was getting some last-minute ribbing from his old coworkers about his new officer status. He didn’t mind. He was too proud. Besides, he didn’t have ribs – but he did have a...

ST:HMB Trouble in Filedise, part 5

Ellie Doall had a shameful secret. Well, shameful to her. Anyone else would think it perfectly normal. Ellie was not good with her hands. She could visualize her way through just about any problem, technical or personal. She always had an idea, especially when the...

Emo Love Poetry by Teleporter Chief Dolfrick Dour

I sent my love to space today Atomized to a quantum spray Her very self reduced to cold equations. One miscalculation And she loved me no more. ← Previous: Lessons learned from a year of writing series stories. Next: Best laid plans...or what I did on my...

Accidental Undeath 3/3

I could go for help.  I couldn’t transform like others could–never tried, it just weirds me out too much–but with my vampire strength, I could pull her car out, drive to the nearest town–it’s what?  20 miles or so away?  I could find a phone, call it...