ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 22

Woo-hoo! Finally some action in this story! We find the Impulsive under fire by the Lone Star, thanks to J.R. enacting “Alamo Protocol.” Let’s just jump in. Again, the ship shook as two torpedos struck the shields. It should be noted that there’s really no reason for...

ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 21

Breaking up is hard to do, and when JR won’t let go, he puts the USS Lone Star into Alamo mode. Can the Impulsive save both ships and crews and escape before the Paleos make good on their threat? The security guards, who had allowed the Seips to enter the bridge...

ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 18

These are the continuing adventures of the HMB Impulsive. Its mission: to show intelligence tempered wtih a little insanity is a winning combination.  In this week’s installment of Lone Star…. Back on the Impulsive, things get even more complicated for Captain...

ST: HMB, Episode 5: Lone Star, Part 9

Missed an installment? Find the links here. I love Dolfrick Dour. It’s so much fun having a Goth run the teleporter.  It wasn’t often that Teleporter Chief Dolfrick Dour teleported people for the first time, let alone three in under a day. It gave him mixed...

Walking the Sea of Clouds by Gray Rinehart

I hope you enjoyed the last episode of Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, The Polarity Panic. I’m working on the next episode, Setting Roots, but in the meantime, I wanted to share with you the exiting news of my friend’s first novel!  Gray Rinehart is the only...